Cancer awareness is a medical documentary, produced by BEAMS, that showcase a survivor, Sr. Mary Joseph, a Benedictine Sister, as she narrates her pain, struggles, joy and victory through out her treatment process.
It is also an educative project since it has an interview segment with a medical doctor who take us through the general overview of breast CANCER, signs and symptoms, how to cope with terminal illnesses so as to live a normal life and make each day count.
There is also a very interesting discussion about trauma, from a psychologist, who help us discover identity and teach us how to be resilient during and after treatment.
Remember everything in life needs an holistic approach.
The basic principle of CANCER awareness is to educate all those who associated CANCER with witchcraft, curses and baseless myths in our society, give hope and change the general mindset of everyone who thought CANCER is a death sentence!
The aim of CANCER awareness project is to be a platform where survivors can be themselves and for once get that historical moment to be themselves and be their own heroes and heroines as they pour out their most challenging moments of their lives without being judged or questioned by anybody and at the end the message will be seen and heard by so many people.
The vision of CANCER awareness project is to educate the community about CANCER disease and that since its cause is still unknown.... it can be prevented by health awareness and wellness programs not forgetting nutrition and fitness styles.